Premium Neighbourhood Video

Experience an aerial view of the surrounding amenities near the listing with our Bird's Eye View feature, seamlessly incorporated into the walk-thru video of the neighborhood.

Get a comprehensive overview of major roads, nearby shops, parks, schools, and highways, providing potential buyers with a comprehensive understanding of the neighborhood's conveniences and enhancing their decision-making process.

* This service includes 120 sec of drone and walk-thru video plus 10 drone photoshoots in one flight location.

Video Services

  • Up to 120 sec Video
  • Our videos run up to three minutes. We use a combination of close-up and faraway shots to create a dynamic effect.
  • You’ll also get a YouTube Link. This platform also allows for the option of clicking on similar videos, subscribing, or being sent to an agent’s other listings or home website.

  • You’ll also get a direct download link and a 48-hour turnaround time.
  • Don’t forget to ask about our voice-over narration that lends personality to your video. See pricing here.
  • We also offer high-quality Aerial Drone Videography. See pricing here.