Let us remove any objects that prevent your listing from showcasing properly. This service can take out a basketball hoop or car in the driveway. Unwanted Items Removal can also include a variety of other things including a toilet brush in a washroom.

Is there an old familiar sofa that you want out of the listing photographs? We can also remove a variety of different obstacles like utensils or dishes in the sink and photo frames on the walls

  • This service can increase buyer interest by 90%. Remember, you only have a few seconds to catch their interest online.
  • Getting rid of clutter improves the listing. This can include objects and furniture that are not part of the sale. Tables and chairs in tenanted properties can be taken out.
  • This Unwanted Items Removal service can be there as a last-minute resource. We can help you if you’ve found something at the last minute it doesn’t belong in a shot.
  • Clearing any space of unappealing furniture is a great way to prepare for virtual staging. The end goal is to have prospects visualize themselves in the home.